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Are college students getting their value out of education?

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We are often told go to college, and get a good job and that if you don't you'll be working a low-end or a job that doesn't pay well for the rest of your life. In today's American education college tuition has pushed graduates into an average debt of thirty-seven thousand dollars. This capstone project will answer the question if college is worth the money invested?

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Answer the question of whether college is worth it or not required breaking it into several situations and examples.  The most important stage of this project was outlining my goals and defining the research questions. Once these were in place, I spent hours in research, surfed the net for online resources, and carried out various meetings with advisors and even college professors. Writing came next, and the outcome is here for you to view and contemplate. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments. - See contact me

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I hope you enjoyed reviewing my project - please get in touch if you have questions, comments, or want more information.

Researching and Writing
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